Five things…on a Friday


Consider the really poor light in the garden this evening, I’m not half pleased with this shot of my hoppity little friend. I must give all inspirational credit to The Husband who was outside, spotted the frog/toad and called me and my camera out.

So I have cheated a bit. This should have been yesterday’s photo. But yesterday is old news. Yesterday I wouldn’t have caught this frog…or toad through my lens.

It’s Friday!!! I shouldn’t really be this hyped for it because tomorrow is most likely going to be spent dodging footballs and slowly dying of boredom cheering The Husband on. And I think the forecast is for rain. Ok, I can turn this around. I’ll be running around after the girls – this will mean burning off calories. This will mean I will be able to enjoy a guilt free glass of wine tomorrow night and even maybe, if I run around a lot, some sneaky chocolate.


My girls have been de-grubbified and after a short chill on the sofa are safely in their beds. Shouting for wee wees, but still in their beds nonetheless.

Because this week has been crazy busy I want to focus on goodness that’s come out of it.

Five things I achieved/am grateful for now that I’ve reached Friday.

1. My big girl successfully started school. She didn’t just survive her first week but she gave it all she had.
2. My little girl did lots of poos on the toilet and not on my floor.
3. My attitude towards food has started to change direction – Last week I was going to do something to shift my wobbly bits, this week I am doing something to shift my wobbly bits.
4. I really have felt like a professional at work. I have gone from knowing I can do it confidently to acting like I can do it confidently. I may even have a swagger in my walk. Get me.
5. I have made time to get my nose into the Bible every day. This is not just a matter of doing something – reading something – digesting something. It’s a shift of priorities. Of the heart.

broken record.

I havn’t taken a photograph today. My busy day is 99% to blame. I only just got in. But 1% of the blame is down to me. I’m all out creative juices today. I suppose, indirectly, I could pop the this onto the scapegoat of the busy day, because i’m T.I.R.E.D. Is it really only Thursday? How can one be so short of spare time yet have a week drag on so long? What’s with that?

But I’m not going to beat myself up. It was just one of those days. Productive but no breathing space. And I like breathing space. To collect my thoughts, reorganise and, if I’m really lucky, take a photo or two. Like I said it was just one of those days. It’s my intention that they are few are far between.

I know this insane shortage of time is temporary. In just over a week Chloe will be full time at school. I’ve not fully absorbed the reality that I won’t have those stolen lazy afternoons with my baby girl anymore. But I should get more of a block of time in the afternoons, so there’s a silver lining in my wistfulness. Even if I fill that block with housework, it will mean I feel mostly on top of everything.

Am I moaning? Do I sound a bit like a broken record? I’m sorry. I suppose when crazy busy takes over, all you see is crazy busy.

I promise to turn my head and change the view.


Delicate – adjective
Exquisitely fine or dainty. Pleasing to the senses, especially in a subtle way

old shoes. new shoes.


Yesterday was much the same as Monday – flying around, making the girls where at the right places, at the right times. Chloe came back from school slightly disgruntled that we havn’t sorted out her milk at school, but overall she had a enjoyed it.

I feel like I’d be doing well to tread water this week. In reality I’m mostly treading water but there are moment of dipping below the surface. Time is escaping me, like trying to hold water in a sieve. There doesn’t seem to be the spare minutes to throw a load of clothes in the washing machine or achieve a tidy house. But I’m training myself be ok with that. I’m not living the routine that is familiar and comfortable like an old pair of shoes. But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The old routine doesn’t fit anymore. We’ve outgrown it. This new routine – I just have to wear it in until it feels comfortable again. And before long I’ll be dancing in my new shoes.

ice ice baby

Today was a big day. Huge. Colossal. My baby started school. I took photo after photo of her in her uniform, thinking that surely she would be the subject of today’s photo. but after a little thought I’ve opted out of that one. Too much information out there.

The practice runs for school did not go so well. Chlo had a few afternoon’s before summer. I couldn’t take her because I was in work so it was down to Daddy and Grandma. She was the kid who’s grown up had to stick around. She got a bit better but didn’t quite relax into it. So I was nervous and distracted today. I was nervous and distracted as I worked this morning. I was nervous and distracted when I ran around picking Roo up from Nursery and making lunch for everyone who needed it. And I was super duper nervous and distracted this afternoon as I held Chloe’s hand and walked together up the school path, heading over to the gate. But she was fine! She virtually skipped into the classroom and after giving me a kiss she didn’t look back. Relief doesn’t cover it. I wanted this day to be memorable in the best possible way. It nearly had a rocky ending when I rushed to do the weekly food shop and raced back to collect her with only minutes to spare. I lugged Roo out her car seat, into her buggy and legged it over to the school, thinking I’d broken my promise to my daughter, that I’d be there waiting for her when she came out. Though out of breath and sweaty, I got there on time. I even had time to overhear two mum’s talking about a teacher called ‘Mr Stewart’, how he knew how to handle the little kids. ‘Mr Stewart’ is actually Mr Steward, also known as The Husband. I had a little laugh with myself hearing this, just as Chloe bounced out of the classroom. She looked exhausted but delighted. She is in awe of her teacher Mrs. I, and can’t wait to go back. Long may it last.

After my first ever and rather energetic school-run, the pace did not slow as I tried to keep the girls from tearing strips off each other at the same time as putting the shopping away and making tea. I’m familiar with a fast pace of life but this, prolonged, will most certainly give me motion sickness. I was just thinking that I would kill for an ice cold beer when I took food out of the freezer and found an oversight from Saturday night that really took ‘extra cold’ to a new level.


Shame it was frozen solid.

Ruby has finally stopped shouting to do the twentieth wee wee since going to bed. She’s given up. That means that exhaustion won. Again. When will she learn? That makes it time for me set up everything for the morning so we can do this all over again tomorrow.


The weekend has whizzed by us in a blur. Saturday morning we saw Granny off on the train. Saturday day-time we busied ourselves with jobs around the house. Saturday night We filled our house with friends to, yet again, celebrate The Husband turning to 30. It was muchos fun. We are lucky to be surrounded by awesome people, that don’t just occasionally fill our house but continuously fill our lives.

The weather has turned today. This last week had the freakiest warm days for September. But today our familiar blustery overcast weather returned. Normality resumed. I’m kinda looking forward to autumn. I love the colours. You can literally watch it just creep on in.


On top of my regular frantic life and starting on the 365 days project, I’m also diving into the Bible In One Year.


I’m excited about both challenges. Something to keep me on my toes and keep my perspective in check, and make me feel alive. When work sucks or when I get fed up that it’s starting to get dark too early, there’s stuff to remind me that life is not just about waking up, going to work, getting home and going to bed. My stuff.

Love it. I’m thankful today.

satur- friday night at the movies…


Making the most of The Granny’s last night with us, The Husband and I snuck out to the pictures. I can’t belieeeeeeeve how expensive it’s got. It used to bug the life out of me as a kid, and I never ever thought I say this but next time I’m sneaking my own snacks in. It was a good film though – Switch – the switch – something like that. Jenifer Aniston, you could guess the rest. A slushy light hearted film every now and then is good for the soul.

This date night was part and parcel of The Husband’s birthday celebrations. Oh yes. I’m calling September the month of Rob. There’s more. Oh there’s more.


Today The Husband said goodbye to his twenties and welcomed in a new decade. How could he not be the subject of my 365 photo today.

My Husband is quite a marvel. Never has an individual had so much impact on me. He drives me to the point of fury. He knows just how to wind me up with minimal effort. He also drives me to better myself and to soften myself. He enables me to love in a way that wouldn’t be possible without him. He’s a force of nature. He’s a good good man. And I happen to think he’s pretty hot.


happy birthday baby x

hello september


Get in, it’s all started. 365 days. A photo every day for a year. And how glamorous that my first shot for the project should be egg. Today was back to work day for the grown ups in the house and I wanted to mark the occasion. So I did it with eggs. Boiled eggs. They went down a treat. I hope they don’t think this is a new daily routine. I feel like a success when I manage to get the girls out the door with brushed hair.

I raced around this afternoon with my mum and my girls in tow, getting everything ready for The Husband’s birthday tommorow. He’ll be thirty. Thirty feels grown up. I think I’ll feel grown up when I’m thirty. I wonder if that mean I can justify a tantrum before then.

I’m not sure exactly grown up Rob is feeling though.

I wonder if this is the beginning of a midlife crisis.

I bathed the girls before hurrying them off to bed. chloe keeps insisting she’s a mermaid.

Time for me to practice some relaxation before an early night. I won’t be posting each daily photo. I just couldn’t not celebrate day one.

Peace out guys.

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