school girl.

Is it really Wednesday already? I wish time would slow down, it’s making me dizzy.

Chloe has settled into school life now and we’re seeing a much happier little girl.

I do endure an hour of horrors each day when I pick her up. She’s grumpy, borderline cheeky and full attitude that would give an angry teenager a run for her money. Naively or not, I’m putting it down to an explotion of feelings building up from a day of new experiences. Nerves. Excitement. Caution. Shyness. Anticipation. Happiness. Frustration. Though I don’t enjoy it, I’m glad I’m a safe harbour for her to unleash this emotional cocktail on. And it really does just last an hour. If that. She get’s it out her system and then goodbye grumps, hello Chloe. Wierd. But then, look at her genes.

It’s tricky. A fine line which risks inevitable disaster. A balance to both discipline my child, steering her on right path, and lavishing love on her, soaking her in security.

I thought it would be so much simpler when one of them was at school.

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