Five on a Friday


Love is…sneaking off to get the right size ring when your wife is gutted her new purchase was too big.

He’s a good’n.

I found it pretty therapeutic last week looking back and finding what had been good from the week. So I’m going to do it again. In a week that has been pretty relentless, I will glean some good from it.

Five good things I’ve felt this week

1. Encouraged.
2. Determined.
3. Relieved.
4. Excited.
5. Love.

And all in different situatuations. The good is sneaking out now. I see it.

I make it sound like I’m sitting under a black cloud. I’m really not. Though it would have been ok if I had, we all get those weeks. I have just felt out of control, like someone slammed on the accelerator before I had a chance to grab the wheel.

This weekend could not have come at a better time.

Five things I’m looking forward to this weekend:
1. Have conversations with The Husband without being interrupted every ten seconds.
2. Watching the Husband’s face during the football stadium tour.
3. Eating food that I’ve not cooked myself.
4. Waking up Sunday morning of my own accord (I can’t say I look forward to a lie in, my body’s tuned in to early starts now. Nevertheless it’s good to doze and take it slow.
5. Snuggling and smelling my girls again when we pick them up Sunday afternoon.

Have a good weekend everyone x

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